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in tour

Date del tour degli Slayer​​​: 5 concerti in 3 paesi

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Tutti i prossimi eventi (5)
gio 18 SET
dom 21 SET
Evanescence, Bring Me The Horizon, All Time Low, Slayer, Deftones, Black Veil Brides, A Perfect Circle, Mudvayne, Static-X, Lorna Shore, Lamb Of God, Letlive., Of Mice & Men, Three Days Grace, Avenged Sevenfold, Counterparts, 12 stones, thrown, Dream Theater, Marilyn Manson, Chimaira, Atreyu, Devildriver, Breaking Benjamin, LANDMVRKS, Walls Of Jericho, Cypress Hill, Knocked Loose, Bullet For My Valentine, Rob Zombie, Nonpoint, Fear Factory, Fleshwater, Attack! Attack!, Bilmuri, Hollywood Undead, RA, DRAIN, Flyleaf, Carcass, Acid Bath, Hinder, Motionless In White, Imminence, Snot, I Prevail, Winds Of Plague, Sanguisugabogg, We Came As Romans, Kublai Khan TX, Trivium, Sleep Token, Bad Omens, Machine Head, Set It Off, Neck Deep, Memphis May Fire, August Burns Red, Dragonforce, Suicide Silence, PVRIS, The Story So Far, Blessthefall, Hawthorne Heights, Testament, Cannibal Corpse, 10 years, Miss May I, Spiritbox, The Plot In You, Wage War, Whitechapel, State Champs, Kittie, Dope, Accept, From Ashes to New, The Dillinger Escape Plan, Alestorm, Exodus, Northlane, Woe, Is Me, The Black Dahlia Murder, Powerwolf, Down, From First To Last, Municipal Waste, Dayseeker, Catch Your Breath, Smile Empty Soul, Norma Jean, Yngwie Malmsteen, Demon Hunter, Glassjaw, Magnolia Park, Stabbing Westward, Sleeping with Sirens, Escape The Fate, Stone Temple Pilots, The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, Story of the Year, Queensrÿche, Cavalera Conspiracy, Bruce Dickinson, Slaughter To Prevail, Brand of Sacrifice, Hot Milk, Colorblind, Failure, Thornhill, Sebastian Bach, Gideon, Gloryhammer, No Resolve, Full Of Hell, Scowl, Savage Hands, Left to Suffer, Picturesque, Dying Wish, The Union Underground, ENMY, It Dies Today, PeelingFlesh, DED, The Funeral Portrait, If Not For Me, Islander, Versus Me, Small Town Titans, Fulci, Gates To Hell, Liliac, SpiritWorld, Uncured, Wargasm UK
Evanescence, Bring Me The Horizon, All Time Low, Slayer, Deftones, Black Veil Brides, A Perfect Circle, Mudvayne, Static-X, Lorna Shore, Lamb Of God, Letlive., Of Mice & Men, Three Days Grace, Avenged Sevenfold, Counterparts, 12 stones, thrown, Dream Theater, Marilyn Manson, Chimaira, Atreyu, Devildriver, Breaking Benjamin, LANDMVRKS, Walls Of Jericho, Cypress Hill, Knocked Loose, Bullet For My Valentine, Rob Zombie, Nonpoint, Fear Factory, Fleshwater, Attack! Attack!, Bilmuri, Hollywood Undead, RA, DRAIN, Flyleaf, Carcass, Acid Bath, Hinder, Motionless In White, Imminence, Snot, I Prevail, Winds Of Plague, Sanguisugabogg, We Came As Romans, Kublai Khan TX, Trivium, Sleep Token, Bad Omens, Machine Head, Set It Off, Neck Deep, Memphis May Fire, August Burns Red, Dragonforce, Suicide Silence, PVRIS, The Story So Far, Blessthefall, Hawthorne Heights, Testament, Cannibal Corpse, 10 years, Miss May I, Spiritbox, The Plot In You, Wage War, Whitechapel, State Champs, Kittie, Dope, Accept, From Ashes to New, The Dillinger Escape Plan, Alestorm, Exodus, Northlane, Woe, Is Me, The Black Dahlia Murder, Powerwolf, Down, From First To Last, Municipal Waste, Dayseeker, Catch Your Breath, Smile Empty Soul, Norma Jean, Yngwie Malmsteen, Demon Hunter, Glassjaw, Magnolia Park, Stabbing Westward, Sleeping with Sirens, Escape The Fate, Stone Temple Pilots, The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, Story of the Year, Queensrÿche, Cavalera Conspiracy, Bruce Dickinson, Slaughter To Prevail, Brand of Sacrifice, Hot Milk, Colorblind, Failure, Thornhill, Sebastian Bach, Gideon, Gloryhammer, No Resolve, Full Of Hell, Scowl, Savage Hands, Left to Suffer, Picturesque, Dying Wish, The Union Underground, ENMY, It Dies Today, PeelingFlesh, DED, The Funeral Portrait, If Not For Me, Islander, Versus Me, Small Town Titans, Fulci, Gates To Hell, Liliac, SpiritWorld, Uncured, Wargasm UK
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Informazioni sugli Slayer

Gli Slayer sono un gruppo thrash metal formatosi a Los Angeles nel 1981, noto per il contenuto dei testi che toccano argomenti riguardanti satanismo, nazismo, guerra, violenza, morte e serial killer. Dall'inizio della loro carriera, sono sempre stati al centro delle polemiche, ricevendo una moltitudine di critiche per presunte idolatrie naziste e sataniste e il gruppo è stato anche citato in vari episodi di cronaca nera, cosa che ha scatenato numerosi dibattiti sull'impatto della loro musica sui giovani.
Sono ritenuti tra i principali sviluppatori del loro genere, insieme a Metallica, Megadeth ed Anthrax.
Tratti distintivi della loro musica sono assoli veloci e caotici, rapidi groove batteristici, tremolo picking e doppia cassa martellante, peculiarità che hanno reso gli Slayer uno dei più importanti gruppi per lo sviluppo del metal estremo e il loro terzo album, Reign in Blood, è stato una profonda influenza per il death metal. A differenza della maggioranza dei gruppi thrash della loro era che negli anni intrapresero nuovi percorsi musicali, gli Slayer conservano tuttora il loro tipico stile, nonostante il cambio generazionale e l'arrivo di nuove forme musicali.

La band ha pubblicato 12 album in studio​​​:
  • Show No Mercy (1983)
  • Hell Awaits (1985)
  • Reign in Blood (1986)
  • South of Heaven (1988)
  • Seasons in the Abyss (1990)
  • Divine Intervention (1994)
  • Undisputed Attitude (1996)
  • Diabolus in Musica (1998)
  • God Hates Us All (2001)
  • Christ Illusion (2006)
  • World Painted Blood (2009)
  • Repentless (2015)

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