Goblin Hovel
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Informazioni sui Goblin Hovel
I Goblin Hovel
sono un gruppo musicale statunitense
folk metal, neofolk e dark folk.
La band ha pubblicato 8 album in studio:
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La band ha pubblicato 8 album in studio:
- The Roots That Broke the Stone (2014)
- Loveless, Loreless, Lost (2015)
- Blood Among the Leaves and Water (2015)
- Revered Revenant of Irreverence (2016)
- La città dei tre volti (2017)
- On the Bright Side of the Dark Forest (2018)
- The Comedy of Forms, the Tragedy of Function (2020)
- Whatever Keeps the Lights On (2022)
- Goblin Hovel (2013)
- Our Haunted Garden (2013)
- Wonders Gone Dark, Shadows Brought to Life (2014)
- The Great Reversal (2015)
- Scio et scriptum est (2017)
- Nothing Like Our Fantasy (2019)
- At Home in the Heart of the Haunting (2022)
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