The Body

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Informazioni sui The Body
I The Body
sono un gruppo musicale statunitense
doom metal, sludge metal e avant-garde metal.
La band ha pubblicato 8 album in studio:
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La band ha pubblicato 8 album in studio:
- The Body (2004)
- All the Waters of the Earth Turn to Blood (2010)
- Christs, Redeemers (2013)
- I Shall Die Here (2014)
- No One Deserves Happiness (2016)
- O God Who Avenges, Shine Forth. Rise Up, Judge of the Earth; Pay Back to the Proud What They Deserve. (2018)
- I Have Fought Against It, but I Can't Any Longer. (2018)
- I've Seen All I Need to See (2021)
- Copkiller (2005)
- Even the Saints Knew Their Hour of Failure and Loss (2006)
- The Cold, Suffocating Dark Goes on Forever and We Are Alone (2012)
- Master, We Perish (2013)
- The Tears of Job (2015)
- A Home on Earth (2017)
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