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Who Dies In Siberian Slush

Who Dies In Siberian Slush
Who Dies In Siberian Slush

Concerti e date del tour dei Who Dies In Siberian Slush

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Informazioni sui Who Dies In Siberian Slush

I Who Dies In Siberian Slush sono un gruppo musicale russa​​​  ​ funeral doom metal.
La band ha pubblicato 6 album in studio​​​:
  • Bitterness of the Years That Are Lost (2010)
  • We Have Been Dead Since Long Ago... (2012)
  • Bitterness of the Years That Are Lost (2017)
  • Intimate Death Experience (2018)
  • Уроки смирения (2023)
  • Уроки cмирения (2023)

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